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Astrology: Abstract -- Fifty years ago empirical studies (studies based on experiments) were the hardest things to find in astrology. There were only opinions. Today there are more than a thousand empirical studies hidden in a hundred journals and dozens of books, plus academic theses, conference reports, websites, unpublished studies, and little-known hard-to-find specialised collections. For the first time Understanding Astrology brings together ALL of these highly scattered studies -- not just the ones conveniently available or selected to prove a point -- and subjects them to rigorous critical thinking. It puts astrology under the microscope in a concise style free of waffle. The results explain why for many people there is more to astrology than being true or false. Understanding Astrology has 952 pages, more than 650,000 words, 750 pictures, 650 graphs, nearly 500 tables, over 4000 references, glossary (85 entries), and name and subject indexes. Two-thirds is taken up with individual descriptions of the 1000 studies. The treatment is balanced (all four authors have strong science backgrounsds, all are experienced writers, and two were once full-time professional astrologers and teachers of astrology). And there are no conflicts of interest (no author makes money from astrology or from sales of the book). The book is Open Access and can be downloaded for free, see full article below. Hardcover copies with a durable sewn binding (lies flat) are available direct from the publisher for 65 euros (abour $US60) excluding postage. The ISBN is 978908-249291-0 but to avoid high prices the book is not available from bookstores. It was published in late 2022 and also updates the present website. Full article including this abstract 9m 8g 297kb Home Fast-Find Index |